office_order-mcc.pdf | 94.32 KB |  |
job_fair.pdf | 348.98 KB |  |
tc_branding_asdm.pdf | 266.24 KB |  |
asdm_branding_compiled_17_aug_2023.pdf | 4.08 MB |  |
office_order_for_training_partner.pdf | 546.97 KB |  |
self_declaration_for_self_employment.pdf | 1.03 MB |  |
submission_of_training_invoices.pdf | 1001.8 KB |  |
submission_of_pending_elligible_invoices_of_estp_of_day-_nulm_under_asdm.pdf | 297.87 KB |  |
pmkvy_notification.pdf | 534.33 KB |  |
target_allocation_dated_12.01.22.pdf | 682.45 KB |  |
aebas_from_nsdc.pdf | 114.04 KB |  |
om_aebas_dated_17022022.pdf | 251.62 KB |  |
apprenticeship_training_at_nhpc.pdf | 1.16 MB |  |
withdrawal_of_targets_nulm.pdf | 145.61 KB |  |
nulm_targets_fy-2021-22.pdf | 2.58 MB |  |
order_for_centre_opening_2021.pdf | 451.88 KB |  |
new_sop_on_skill_training_september_2021.pdf | 3.43 MB |  |
nulm_starting_skill_training_programme.pdf | 207.66 KB |  |
nia_day_nulm_06.08.2021.pdf | 739.35 KB |  |
alert_notice.pdf | 124.25 KB |  |
information_for_tp_tc_regarding_3rd_insatallment.pdf | 694.17 KB |  |
notice_for_tp_tc_model_code_of_conduct.pdf | 104.1 KB |  |
notice_for_tp_dated_28.02.2021.pdf | 78.66 KB |  |
26-02-2021_nulm_target_allocation.pdf | 954.46 KB |  |
notice_for_empanelment_as_training_provider_for_nbcfdc_sponsored_skilling_program.pdf | 276.17 KB |  |
nulm_notice_target_allocation-02-01-21.pdf | 2.1 MB |  |
office_order.pdf | 463.99 KB |  |
notice_for_withdrawl_of_unutilized_targets_of_nulm_centers_website_upload_copy_dtd._03-12-2020.pdf | 231.6 KB |  |
2nd_phase_target_for_fy_2020_21.pdf | 2.71 MB |  |
nulm_inspection_order_copy_for_website_upload.pdf | 275.51 KB |  |
cancellation_of_targets.pdf | 232.97 KB |  |
nulm_target_dated_09.11.2020.pdf | 1.09 MB |  |
sop_for_covid_protocol_dated-_02-11-2020.pdf | 600.29 KB |  |
1st_phase_target_for_the_fy_2020_21.pdf | 4.63 MB |  |
office_order.pdf | 160.37 KB |  |
function_of_training_centres.pdf | 3.62 MB |  |
notice_for_restarting_skill_training_under_nulm_assam_following_covid-19_protocol.pdf | 3.03 MB |  |
target_cancellation_notice_dated_15.09.2020.pdf | 251.88 KB |  |
centre_inspection_notice_17.09.2020.pdf | 250.55 KB |  |
inviting_intent_from_empanelled_tps_of_asdm.pdf | 291.7 KB |  |
notice_for_tp_dated_11.09.2020.pdf | 316.58 KB |  |
notice_for_tp_03.09.2020.pdf | 293.85 KB |  |
non_submission_of_3rd_invoice_03.09.2020.pdf | 267.14 KB |  |
office_order_1.pdf | 334.82 KB |  |
office_order_2.pdf | 182.13 KB |  |
notice_for_tp.pdf | 208.61 KB |  |
notice.pdf | 193.34 KB |  |
notice_for_new_tp_agreement_with_asdm_.pdf | 380.89 KB |  |
notice.pdf | 589.26 KB |  |
Target allocation to TCs having valid ToT certificate in SIP-Annexure-9 A.pdf | 4.46 MB |  |
plstp_target_for_the_fy_2019_2020_feb_2020.pdf | 1.05 MB |  |
asdm_cost_process_norms_version_3_updated_dtd.14-02-2020.pdf | 445.78 KB |  |
notice_for_tp_tc.pdf | 274.25 KB |  |
office_order.pdf | 342.29 KB |  |
target_allocation_of_nulm.pdf | 1.69 MB |  |
corrigendum.pdf | 443.34 KB |  |
target_under_estp_under_day-nulm.pdf | 416.15 KB |  |
corrigendum_under_target_allocation_dated_23.09.2019.pdf | 225.49 KB |  |
target_allocation_dated_23.09.2019.pdf | 1019.88 KB |  |
notice_for_tp.pdf | 1.26 MB |  |
notice_for_tp_tc_for_tot.pdf | 430.67 KB |  |
target_allocation_list_dated_26.06.2019.pdf | 1 MB |  |
invoice_for_3rd_installment.pdf | 584.55 KB |  |
targets_annexure_6_dated_07.05.2019.pdf | 1001.39 KB |  |
target_allotment_under_plstp_dated_25.03.2019.pdf | 981.29 KB |  |
annexure_4_target_allotment_dated_22.02.2019.pdf | 363.95 KB |  |
New Allotments 09.11.2018.pdf | 437.36 KB |  |
Addendum to List published on 9.11.2018.pdf | 476.13 KB |  |
Target Alloment 2nd Phase-Annexure 1.pdf | 262.61 KB |  |
New Target allocation 3rd Phase (V4).pdf | 360.04 KB |  |
Self Employed Tailor Allotment.pdf | 304.48 KB |  |
NIA.pdf | 388.57 KB |  |
target_allotment_for_day_nulm_scheme_annexure_1_dated_06.02.2019.pdf | 509.17 KB |  |
tp_tc_login_ids_as_on_25-01-2019.xlsx | 40.8 KB |  |
notice_for_training_provider.pdf | 285.36 KB |  |
addendum_to_notice_for_tp_tc_dated_29_12_2018.pdf | 171.33 KB |  |
target_under_estp_under_day-nulm.pdf | 416.15 KB |  |
corrigendum.pdf | 443.34 KB |  |
stt-_publish_list_23-24.pdf | 2.09 MB |  |