list_of_shortlisted_candidates_for_various_posts.pdf | 1.38 MB |  |
advt_recruitment_september_2024.pdf | 238.51 KB |  |
tor_recuitment_september_2024.pdf | 181.62 KB |  |
postpone_of_recruitment_notice_under_asdm_march_2024.pdf | 1.23 MB |  |
recruitment_notice_under_asdm_march_2024.pdf | 1.32 MB |  |
notice_dpmt_interview_results_dec_23.pdf | 437.27 KB |  |
notice-_project_asstt._interview_result_dec_23.pdf | 110.5 KB |  |
interview_notice_on_dated_20122023.pdf | 3.4 MB |  |
recruitment_notice_asdm.pdf | 234.14 KB |  |
re-advt-_web_non_noc_sd.pdf | 163.15 KB |  |
recruitment_for_the_post_of_dpm-t_and_project_assistant_under_asdm_dated_15.07.2023.pdf | 696.05 KB |  |
result_of_interview_for_apmaudit.pdf | 246.27 KB |  |
result-of_interview_for_accounant.pdf | 260.84 KB |  |
recruitment_notice-for_apmaudit-_accountant-published-22-01-23-under_asdm.pdf | 187.95 KB |  |
recruitment_under_assam_skill_development_mission_december_2019.pdf | 456.61 KB |  |
recruitment_result_under_assam_skill_development_mission.pdf | 589.82 KB |  |
recruitment_under_assam_skill_development_mission_27_11_2019.pdf | 602.13 KB |  |
results_for_the_posts_interview_dated_11.11.2019.pdf | 585.41 KB |  |
recruitment_under_assam_skill_development_mission.pdf | 595.54 KB |  |
result_project_manager-pmkvy.pdf | 27.35 KB |  |
recruitment_under_assam_skill_development_mission_for_pmkvy.pdf | 182.58 KB |  |
result_for_the_post_of_accountant_cum_cashier_march_2019.pdf | 515.41 KB |  |
result_for_walk_in_interview_in_july_2019_of_variopus_posts_pa_dpmt_pm-missr_pm_apm_ps_pr_consultant_accountant_cum_cashier.pdf | 137.24 KB |  |
result_for_the_post_of_apm_f_a_march_2019.pdf | 461.25 KB |  |
notice-reschedule_of_interview_date.pdf | 198.03 KB |  |
recruitment_under_assam_skill_development_mission_february_2019.pdf | 586.36 KB |  |
Recruitment Under Assam Skill Development Mission December 2018.pdf | 747.81 KB |  |
Recruitment Under Assam Skill Developemnt Mission for various posts SEP 2018.pdf | 347.21 KB |  |
Advertisement.pdf | 104.41 KB |  |
Recruitment under Assam Skill Development Mission.pdf | 153.43 KB |  |
Recruitment for the post of Project Manager-Finance & Accounts.pdf | 375.99 KB |  |
Interview dates for SPM ,ASPM & PM.pdf | 305.99 KB |  |
Written Test dates for PS to MD & Project Assistant.pdf | 299.73 KB |  |
Notice for Shortlisted candidate for the post of SPM,ASPM,PM.pdf | 131.98 KB |  |
Notice for Shortlisted candidate for the Post of PS to MD & Project Assistant.pdf | 129.28 KB |  |
Shortlisted candidate for the post of Asst. Skill Project Manager-Human Resource & Administration.pdf | 57.41 KB |  |
Shortlisted candidate for the post of Asst. Skill Project Manager-Agricultural & Allied Sector.pdf | 50.93 KB |  |
Shortlisted candidate for the post of Asst. Skill Project Manager-Textile, Handicrafts.pdf | 50.34 KB |  |
Shortlisted candidate for the post of Skill Project Manager- Human Resource & Administration.pdf | 55.52 KB |  |
Shortlisted candidate for the post of Asst. Skill Project Manager -Services & Tourism.pdf | 54.99 KB |  |
Shortlisted candidate for the post of Skill Project Manager-Placement & Post placement tracking.pdf | 57.87 KB |  |
Shortlisted candidate for the post of Project Manager-Finance & Accounts.pdf | 55 KB |  |
Shortlisted candidate for the post of Asst. Skill Project Manager –Industries.pdf | 55.19 KB |  |
Shortlisted candidate for the post of Project Manager-MIS.pdf | 50.22 KB |  |
Shortlisted candidate for the post of PS to MD.pdf | 59.1 KB |  |
Shortlisted candidate for the post of Project Assistant.pdf | 88.51 KB |  |
CORRIGENDUM.pdf | 66.73 KB |  |
Notice.pdf | 65.66 KB |  |
Roll No for the shortlisted candidates for PS to MD.pdf | 92.62 KB |  |
Roll No for the shortlisted candidates for Project Assistant.pdf | 99.99 KB |  |
List of shortlisted candidates for the post of Project Assistant.pdf | 90.09 KB |  |
List of shortlisted candidates for the post of PS to MD.pdf | 89.56 KB |  |
Result for the post of AssttSkillProjectManager-AgricultureAndAlliedSector.pdf | 129.14 KB |  |
Result for the post of AssttSkillProjectManager-HRandAdmin.pdf | 176.58 KB |  |
Result for the post of AssttSkillProjectManager-Industries.pdf | 86.98 KB |  |
Result for the post of AssttSkillProjectManager-ServiceAndTourisim.pdf | 169.67 KB |  |
Result for the post of AssttSkillProjectManager-Textiles,Handicrafts.pdf | 127.52 KB |  |
Result for the post of Project Manager-MIS.pdf | 146.44 KB |  |
Result for the post of ProjectManager-FinanceAndAccounts.pdf | 116.6 KB |  |
Result for the post of Skill Project Manager- Human Resource & Administration.pdf | 164.71 KB |  |
Result for the post of Skill Project Manager- Placement & Post Placement Tracking.pdf | 136.53 KB |  |
Result for the post of Project Assistant.pdf | 106.65 KB |  |
Result for the Post of PS to MD.pdf | 107.38 KB |  |
Notice for the recruitment of Project Manager Social Mobilization.pdf | 258.95 KB |  |
Result for the Post of Project Manager- Social Mobilization.pdf | 89.58 KB |  |
New Recruitment under Assam Skill Development Mission.pdf | 596.2 KB |  |
ASPM(Monitoring&Evaluation) Recruitment.pdf | 602.02 KB |  |
Result for the Post of Accountant cum Cashier.pdf | 323.69 KB |  |
Result for the Post of APM-Finance & Accounts.pdf | 326.74 KB |  |
Result for the Post of APM-Monitoring & Evaluation.pdf | 325.03 KB |  |
Result for the Post of APM-Post Placement & Tracking.pdf | 328.1 KB |  |
Result for the Post of Project Assistant.pdf | 324.54 KB |  |
Result of the interview for the post of Project Assistant.pdf | 337.38 KB |  |
Result of the interview for the post of PS to MD & PS to AMD.pdf | 337.45 KB |  |
Recruitment Under Assam Skill Developemnt Mission for various posts October 2018.pdf | 783.06 KB |  |
Result of APM-MIS.pdf | 354.46 KB |  |
Result of APM-MSEC-NESC.pdf | 336.67 KB |  |
WALK IN INTERVIEW ASPM M & E.pdf | 544.79 KB |  |
Notice for the post of Assistant Skill Project Manager M&E.pdf | 787.5 KB |  |
Result for the Post of APM M & E.pdf | 577.57 KB |  |
Result for the Post of Project Assistant.pdf | 577.05 KB |  |
Result for the Post of District Project Manager-Training.pdf | 581.36 KB |  |
recruitment_for_various_post_under_assam_skill_development_mission.pdf | 686.57 KB |  | | 614.79 KB |  |
corrigendum.pdf | 617.06 KB |  |
result_for_the_post_of_dpm_december_2019.pdf | 941.59 KB |  |
result_for_the_post_of_pm-sm_december_2019.pdf | 768.27 KB |  |
assistant_project_manager_audit.pdf | 209.34 KB |  |
project_manager-social_mobilisation.pdf | 210.47 KB |  |
advertisement_june2021.pdf | 192.64 KB |  |